Motivation Monday Minute: Coping During a Small 2020 Thanksgiving

The CDC recommends NOT traveling for Thanksgiving this year. Many responsible families have called off Thanksgiving this year. It is recommended that only immediate families who live in the same household should gather together for Thanksgiving. For some, this could mean the first Thanksgiving ever spent alone!! YOU are not alone. I'm having a solo Thanksgiving, too. The experts have tips on how to cope:

Schedule Your Favorite Things this week: To avoid feeling the depression and loss of your family traditions, schedule a full week full of your favorite things. It's still a HOLIDAY! If you want to paint, do it! Spend Thursday reading, do it! Binge watch all the Hallmark Holiday movies time allows, do it!!!!

Treat Yourself. Maybe not a great idea to make a huge feast for one, but you can still make some of your favorite Thanksgiving foods! Or maybe... as 2020 has been super unconventional, maybe make your all-time favorite foods for Thanksgiving! Maybe this Thanksgiving looks like pizza and cookie dough!

Volunteer. It always feels good to give back. If you're wallowing in boredom and sadness, give back. Google virtual volunteer opportunities.

Connect With Others. Thanksgiving can still be about sharing moments with loved ones, it just may have to be virtual. If you're feeling alone and isolate, PLEASE reach out. I speak from experience, it changes your perspective and gets those endorphins going when you chat with your bestie or cry on your mom's shoulder. Do it. Please.

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