Embrace Your Solitude This Thanksgiving If You're Rolling Solo

So, here's the deal, everything is different in 2020... and, sadly, that includes our beloved holidays. The CDC recommends suspending travel for Thanksgiving and keeping gatherings to your immediate family. Many families are taking heed and following the guidelines. If you're anxious or depressed about spending the day alone... here are some tips to enjoy!

For one, it's a holiday! Have a holiday! What are you thankful for? Indulge! You don't have to make a big turkey, make your favorite foods this year! Do crafts you enjoy doing, binge watch your favorite shows and movies! Call your favorite people and have a virtual "Drinksgiving." Make sure you're connecting! You're not the only one alone...by far!

And know that the decision you've made to be alone is a decision made out of love. Hold tight to that. It's all love! And if we all do this act of love, we'll be that much closer to getting back to big family gatherings and friendsgivings!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your day!

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