Monday Motivation Minute: How To Deal With Valentine's Day Loneliness

Really? Why does Valentine's Day have to be in February? It's cold, we've been inside for soooooo long, the lonely couldn't be lonelier. Stop. We can do this! We've dealt with a pandemic for an entire year, we can deal with another lonely Valentine's Day. Experts have some tips!

  • Gratitude Journal: That attitude of gratitude truly does work. When you start looking at what you DO have instead of what you DON'T have, your mindset completely changes. Maybe you don't have the significant other of your dreams, but I bet you might have a pretty terrific family and the best friends anyone could ask for.... and a great dog or cat. Happy yet?
  • Galentine's Day, Anyone: You CAN look forward to February 14th! How about the best Zoom Sunday Funday of the entire year!!! Galentine's Day! Start sending out some cute invitations and tell everyone to pick up their favorite wine for the best Girl's Day Ever this Sunday!!!! Valen-WINES Day?
  • Celebrate Your Bestie... and I do Mean YOU: Have the ultimate ME day on Valentine's Day! Make YOUR favorite meal, buy YOUR favorite flowers (I highly suggest checking out Trader Joe's), and hey, buy yourself a gift! This is a great reason to go on an Amazon shopping spree!!! You know the recipient won't be disappointed.
  • Give Back: Go through your closets and pantry. You'll de-clutter, which is a great gift to give yourself and you'll give back to the community, which is, also, a great gift to give yourself!


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