Drive In Movie Theatre Could Be Coming To Valley West Mall

It's crazy to see what the pandemic has done to us. It's made old things new again and forced technology to advance at rapid places (who takes cash anymore?). Families stay in and do jigsaw puzzles. And now, families may head back out to the drive-in movie theatre for fun weekend activities! A company that provides mobile outdoor screens has pitched an idea to transform the vacant Younker's parking lot at Valley West Mall into a drive-in movie theatre. The mall loves the idea and all that's left is final approval from the West Des Moines City Council. We could be watching drive-in movies as early as next month. Initially, the thought is to charge $18 for a couple and $30 for a carful of people. The showings would be at 5:30pm and 8:30pm. Patrons would be able to vote on the movies they would like to see at the theatre online.

Date night!!!!

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