Monday Motivation Minute: Must Have Plan

After years of stewing in my own misery knowing I wasn't living the healthiest of lifestyles, i've finally taken the plunge to get my life and health back on track. I plan to share my journey. I'm really one of those people that if I can do it, anyone can do it.

I first walked into Profile By Sanford on August 23, 2021. In that time, i'm down 12 pounds! Seriously! How did this happen? Clean eating and, most importantly, a PLAN.

Every Sunday, I sit down at this computer i'm using to write this blog and write out my meal plan for the week. It's helpful that Profile By Sanford is a mix of their foods and my grocery list.

After I create my 7 day meal plan, I create a short grocery list from the weekly plan and shop. Here's a secret, if you're really trying to lose weight and eat cleaner, you're only going to shop in the peripheral of the store - the produce, the dairy, and the meat aisles. All of the processed foods are in the center aisles.

I threw out all the ice cream in my freezer and replaced everything in my fridge with lead protein and vegetables. I'm eating low carb, low fat and no sugar. I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD DO THIS, but I am!

I couldn't have done this without the help of my coaches at Profile By Sanford. They gave me the starter grocery list, they meet with me to go over challenges, they give me tips and I share my plan with them.

This weekend, I incorporated a lot of walking into the plan, so i'm looking forward to seeing results from that.

Step one. You can do it. Step Two. Make the plan. Step Three. Throw out the Junk. Step Four. Buy good groceries. Step Five. Execute.

You know what all of us in the weight struggle always say, "Why didn't I just start this earlier?" It's never too late.

If you go to Profile By Sanford, give them my name and they will give you $100 off an annual membership!!!!!

It sounds like i'm trying to sell you something, i'm really not. If it's not your time, it's not your time. BUT. If you've been wanting change for a long time, like I did, I will support you. This is the most sensitive subject to me in my entire life and i'm going to share my journey. I really think we all deserve to live our best lives, we only have one life.

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