There is nothing more potentially Earth-shattering or, perhaps, magical than crossing the line between friendship to romance.
Friendship is an amazing base for long-lasting romance. However, if your feelings of friendship are stronger than just friendship and the romantic feelings aren't returned, it can be devastating, not to mention awkward.
Experts say if you're going to cross the line, here are some tips:
- Make sure you are sure of your feelings before you take the risk.
- Consult with mutual friends to get their tip.
- Test the waters.... take it THERE. Try flirting and see how its taken.
- Show a different side of you. If you're always just doing friend things in a super cas way, show off your best side. Put some effort into your appearance.
- Be serious. After you try to put the moves on, don't joke it off, be serious about your intentions.
Good luck! The right move at the right time could chart your future.