Life Hack Wednesday: Make Your Bathroom Smell Beautiful

If you're going to have people over for the Big Game, you'll want to make sure your home is shining. Perhaps, no one will notice bad smells over the scent of chicken wings and chili, but even still, here are some hack to make your bathroom smell sweet!

  1. Essential Oil Toilet Paper Roll: Here's a secret no one will guess. Put a few drops of essential oils inside your toilet paper roll. When someone goes to grab for the toilet paper, they will get a sweet aroma.
  2. Rice: We all know rice aborbs moisture. Moisture can cause stinkies. Put some rice mixed with a few drops of essential oil on the back of your toilet. The stinky moisture will be absorbed while the essential oil will smell delicious.
  3. Baking Soda: Similiar premise. Put some baking soda in a bowl that will absorb odors and combine some delicious smelling fabric softener with it. Will smell so fresh, so fresh, so clean.
  4. Perfume: We all use a brush to clean our toilet, but a lot of us keep it out next to the toilet. It's stinky. Spray perfume on it to make it smell better!

There you have it!

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