Des Moines Named One Of The Top Cities for BBQ

Shout out to Jethro's and Smoky D's and all the other terrific BBQ joints in Des Moines. LawnStarter's list of the best BBQ Cities in America is out and Des Moines cracked the top 20! And you thought we were just known for Scotcheroos and Corn Casserole!!!! Des Moines is 19th on this list of the top 200 BBQ cities. The Midwest appears to be where it's at for BBQ because three of the top 5 are Midwestern cities. St. Louis topped the list, Kansas City came in second and Springfield took the number 4 spot.

Where are your favorite Des Moines spots for BBQ? Don't sleep on JR's Southpork Ranch at the Iowa State Fair this year!!!

Des Moines ranked low when it came to access to BBQ, but very high when it came to quality of BBQ (award winning).

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