Life Hack Wednesday: Remedy For Mosquito Bites

The City of Des Moines has been treated the area for mosquitoes since some mosquitoes have tested positive for the West Nile Virus in Des Moines. We have a long holiday weekend coming up with a lot of outdoor activities, experts say there are some things we can do to avoid getting bit. For one, wear insect repellent. For another, keep our limbs covered. Don't wear dark clothing, that attracts the insects. Avoid being outside at dusk where they are more prevalent and avoid areas near standing water.

If you do get bit, an expert says, do not itch. Itching your bite will cause it to itch more. Here is the life hack to get the bite to stop itching. Ready? Experts say put very hot water on the bite. That will supress the itchy-feeling. Be careful to not burn yourself, but put as hot of water as you can stand on the bite.

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