Medicine manufacturer King Bio is voluntarily recalling 32 children's medicines due to possible microbial contamination. Although the contamination is for a small percentage of the medications, they are voluntarily recalling everything produced between August of 2017 and April of 2018. They are:
DK Attention & Learning Enh.Chicken Pox Symptom ReliefChildren's Appetite & WeightChildren's Appetite Enhance Children's Cough Relief Children's Fever Reliever Children's Growth & Development DK Newborn Tonic DK Nosebleed Relief TonsilPlex Children's Ear Relief Formula DK Teething DK Colic Relief Tummy Aches Kids Multi-Strain Flu Relief Kids Stress & Anxiety Kids Sleep Aid Kids Bed Wetting (NP) Kids Candida 4 oz Kids Attention & Learning (SCRX) Bed Wetting Prevention (SCRX) Chicken Pox Symptom Relief (SCRX) Childrens Cough (SCRX) Children’s Ear Formula (SCRX) Children’s Fever Reliever (SCRX) Children’s Growth & Development (SCRX)Colic Relief (SCRX) Newborn Tonic (SCRX) Teething (SCRX) Tummy Aches (SCRX) Children’s Apetite & Weight (SCRX)