Why were you holding out on me? Why did it take so long for me to figure out that the sexiest man alive grew up in the Des Moines area? Jason Momoa is said man and he hosted SNL over the weekend promoting Aquaman.
I can't even believe the life that Lisa Bonet has lived! She was married to my G. O. A. T. I've loved Lenny Kravitz since I heard "Let Love Rule" for the first time. Their love didn't last in married form for eternity. She re-married. TO JASON FREAKING MOMOA!!!! If you didn't know, he was raised in Norwalk, Iowa! Puh lease!! The next time your boy comes home, please tell your local radio dj!!!! Please! I beg you! I once stalked George Clooney when he was making a movie in the city I lived in. I found him. I will find Jason, too!
Ok, this is too much crazy for a Monday. In any case, he seems like the coolest dude as does Lisa Bonet's ex, Lenny Kravitz. Lenny visited Jason on the SNL set last week.