I'm so glad our little blizzard last night didn't cancel my ME night out. Every once in a while, I have to go have ME nights out. I'm relatively new in Des Moines and love culture, the arts, music, etc. . . I don't let not having a significant other or many friends stop me from going out and enjoying life (and it shouldn't for you either). I had tickets for Sex Tips For Straight Women From A Gay Man and despite the snow falling, went to opening night. I have to admit as I sipped on my Cab, I was missing my friends. Most of my friends are gay men. A lot of the audience consisted of straight women with their gay male friends. Don't get me wrong, there were some straight couples there, too. Whatever the orientation, the play was a blast for ALL!!! I highly recommend it for girls night out, boys night out or couples night out. It moves quickly, it's only an hour and 15 minutes and it flew by!!! Absolutely hilarious!!!
The play runs through February 10th, so you have a LITTLE time. Get tickets today!!! You'll love it! If you would like to win date night tickets, make sure you are following us on Facebook, Instagram and follow me on Instagram!
@1075KISSFM on Insta
@DSMTaylorJ on Insta