Weird fact about me. I just can't get it together when it comes to life at home. I don't have a perfect place for everything. My brain just can't organize. I don't hang pictures up because I have no vision for what looks good on the interior of a home. But with all this said and my severe lack of abilities on the home front, for whatever reason, I can put together IKEA furniture. This is something that mystefies many. People that are genius in their careers cannot put this stuff together. If you're not familiar with IKEA, it's a Swedish furniture store, well, store is putting it lightly. IKEAs are HUGE and all the furniture is reasonably priced because you take it all home and put it together yourself!!! Coffee tables, beds, entertainment centers, couches, everything, you have to assemble with a booklet of just pictures and a provided allen wrench. It's so great!
In the spirit of the fun that is IKEA, they are selling chocolate (they have food, too) bunnies for Spring that. . .wait for it. . . come in pieces that you have to assemble! So cute! Your nearest IKEAs are located in Kansas City, Minneapolis, Chicago and St. Louis.