Family Dollar is one of my shopping secrets. I love the Family Dollar. See, when you need toilet paper and cat food, you could go to Target. But you and I both know that we will NOT leave Target with JUST cat food and toilet paper. However, if you get your tp and cat food at Family Dollar, there isn't much to entice you off the beaten path. You won't find a cute pair of pjs or decide to finally purchase Apple Air Buds at Family Dollar. Sure, you could decide to get a pack of gel pens or some candles, but that's about the extent of the extras you would find at Family Dollar. I did ground myself from Target or a spell. In its place, I shopped the Family Dollar every week for toothpaste, mouth wash, deodorant, etc. . .
Now comes this wonderful news. . . they are going to begin selling alcohol in 1,000 of its stores!!! We can only hope that the stores on the list are the Family Dollar locations in Des moines. Now, I can handle a little wine with my cat food!