If you're from the Midwest, no doubt, you've had a slice of delicious Casey's Pizza. Here's a good reason to stop into the next Casey's General Store you see, it's there new pizza! Try the Midwest Mystery Pizza. It's a tasty combination of Midwest-inspired ingredients like pulled pork, bacon, Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce and fire roasted corn. I tried it today and it's awesome! So. . . the name, though. It's gonna go. You have the opportunity to name this new Midwestern delicacy! Casey's wants you to name their pizza. So. .
- Try the new pizza
- Figure out what your gut tells you it should be called
- Submit your name via caseys.com/Midwestmystery
The winning name will be announced at a special event on September 28th. What do you win outside of bragging rights for naming a Casey's Pizza?? Free Casey's Pizza for a year!!!!
Good luck! Try that pizza!