Renowned comedian Lisa Lampanelli has been in Des Moines for most of February! You may remember Lisa as an insult comic, often featured on Comedy Central's Roasts. She's toned down her act a bit and has brought her show "Lisa Lampanelli's Losin' It" to the Temple Theatre. The focus of the show is how four people have dealt with self-esteem and body image issues throughout their lives. The show features Lisa, as funny as ever, with Marissa Rosen, an overweight gal comfortable in her own skin, Eden Malin, who has struggled with body dysmorphia, and Frank Liotti, who has dealt with overeating issues.
The four characters take turns giving their thought provoking monologues that are a mixture of emotion and humor. The show hit very close to home for me as i've struggled with weight and self-esteem issues my entire life. It was incredible to feel not so alone watching this show. At the end of the show, Lisa does a Q&A that really shows off her compassion and humanity.
I had so much fun speaking with Lisa.
Please. If you've ever felt alone in dealing with overeating, body dysmorphia or had others close to you in this fight, please go see this play. It runs every night between now and Sunday, February 23!!! Go. See. Losin'. It. Get tickets here.