Beautiful. Iowan. Kind. Funny. Charming. Talented. I could literally go on all day with positive adjectives to describe Norwalk, Iowa native Jason Momoa. In addition to the aforementioned adjectives, he's also a pretty great husband to wife Lisa Bonet. Lisa is my relationship hero. She followed up her failed marriage to Lenny Kravitz with a successful marriage to Aquaman Jason Momoa. Is it possible to get that lucky in one lifetime? I think not .
Anyway, the latest "On The Roam" Vlog that Jason Momoa and his team produce is all about the wonderful thing he did for Lisa Bonet. He restored her very first car, a 1965 Mustang. I'm assuming she bought the beauty with the money she made playing Denise Huxtable on the "Cosby Show." Jason surprises her with the beautiful restoration. Check it out!
PS - while I would love to have a relationship with Jason Momoa, I truly would be devastated if this couple was no more. Theirs is a beautiful love. And they need to come back and visit Iowa!!! Lisa needs to try the Momoa at Waveland Cafe!