Taylor J

Taylor J

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If You're Visiting Family For Thanksgiving, It's Time To Quarantine Now

We are two weeks out from Thanksgiving, the COVID-19 situation is not great. If you are planning on gathering with family, outside of your immediate family, the time is now to pump the brakes on your day-to-day activity. You should quarantine and only do essential activities between now and Thanksgiving. If you were to contract COVID-19 after today, you would run the risk of spreading COVID-19 on Thanksgiving, as there is an up to 14 day incubation period.

You should limit all non-essential activities and, as always, wear a mask. Iowa State Epidemiologist Dr. Caitlyn Pedati says she is seeing uncontrolled community spread of COVID-19. Hospitalizations for Coronavirus in the Des Moines area have doubled in two weeks and could double again by Thanksgiving. Not good. We can't overwhelm our hospitals.

It's challenging because we are all over it, but we have to continue to do our part to keep everyone healthy.

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