Every year about this time, Oxford English Dictionary releases their "Word of the Year." It's the word that most summarizes the year coming to an end. This year, Oxford has decided the job of picking just one word isn't possible. Here is what they have come up with. Let's see... the year started with "Bushfires" in Australia, and a Presidential "impeachment." Then, we shifted to "acquittal" in February and then came... "Coronavirus" in March. That one word led to a Spring and Summer full of "COVID-19," "lockdown," and "reopening." And then May. We shifted to "Black Lives Matter," "Juneteenth" and "BIPOC."
In the midst of all this, other things have popped up like "Zoombombing" (infiltrating a Zoom call) and "Blursday" (when all the days run together and you don't really know what specific day it is).
You can download the complete report.
What a year....