Taylor J

Taylor J

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Obsession Friday: Perfect Mother's Day Cocktail

Obsession Friday is where I talk about something i'm "obsessed" with or something you are really into this week. It's patio season! It's Mother's Day Weekend. Let me get you hip to the cocktail that has been my go to for the past month or so when i'm on FaceTime with my friends. Yes, I still do this.

Here is the variation I make.... I take a champagne flute (Daaaahhhling, you simply must have at least two champagne flutes in your cupboard). I fill it with about a shot of vodka, fill up with Raspberry lemonade (or any flavor of your choice, I just love raspberry) and top with a splash of Sparkling pink rose. It's pretty, it tastes good and it packs a "hidden" punch.

Giada De Laurentiis has a version that is batched of this cocktail called Lemon Champagne Cocktail.

Take a glass pitcher and add a 12 oz can of lemonade concentrate. Add in 1 1/2 cups of vanilla (or non flavored) vodka.

Pour in one bottle of chilled sparkling rose.

Serve in glasses of ice topped with a mint sprig

Either recipe you use, mom will enjoy!

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Contenido patrocinado