Des Moines is very much a "If you know, you know" place. I think that should be Des Moines' tagline! Most outsiders wouldn't have a clue at how cool Des Moines is. The new Lauridsen skate park is helping to give it a little higher profile to the outside of Central Iowa world. And so is the Des Moines Partnership and Catch Des Moines. The Des Moines Partnership has recruited a new Des Moines recruit to make a very cool video. Mike Vallely was in town doing a show at Gas Lamp, walked outside and fell in love with Downtown Des Moines. He called his wife and told her he found a cool new place to relocate. They moved from Long Beach, California to Des Moines. He operates a skate shop out of his garage and created this video. Mike was a lead singer for legendary punk band, Black Flag.
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