It's holiday party season!!! We like to party in Iowa, but we apparently aren't great guests. There's a new list out of the states with the best and worst party guests. Iowa ranks #3 on the WORST party guests list!!! We can say that we are slightly better guests than Nebraska, though. Nebraska is #2 on the worst list!
Personally, I think we aren't the best guests because we don't know how to leave a party. We do the Midwest goodbye. "Well, we should get going," then you go to the kitchen and say goodbye to everyone in there and start a new conversation. Then, you go into the living room for more goodbyes and, before you know it, it's 45 minutes after you said you were leaving! Amirite?!
In case you were curious, the states with the best party guests are: Tennessee, New Jersey and Wisconsin. Wisconsin? Do drunk party guests make great guests? It's the drunkest state!