There is nothing better than a good old fashioned Iowa Summer night watching the lightning bugs and the sun setting, kids playing, right? Oh wait... what's that? Mosquitoes creep in and ruin the vibe! Every night, I hang out on my balcony until those little pests start making a meal out of me!
Bad news. Experts say the Des Moines mosquito population is expected to spike starting this week. They say it's a combination between warm temperatures and rainfall. Fortunately, 95% percent of the monitored mosquitoes in our area don't carry disease. However, the mosquitoes that carry disease, like West Nile Virus, typically aren't seen until the end of summer to Fall.
It's always a good idea to ward against a mosquito attack by wearing repellent, covering your exposed skin, making sure there isn't a lot of standing water where the insects breed, and avoiding the outside at dawn and dusk when they are more prevalent.