If you haven't started the year off with that workout plan that you wanted, don't give up!!! Start today, start tomorrow, start this weekend...just start!
Here are some life hacks to help you successfully be more physically fit in 2023!
- Schedule your workouts at time that work for you. You schedule everything else, everything you have an intention to commit to. Schedule your workouts, but make sure the timing works best for you. If you're not a morning person, don't schedule your workout for the mornings.
- Don't overexert yourself. Pushing is one thing, but if you are new to working out or you haven't for awhile, start slowly and build. If you overexert yourself, you won't be likely to come back to working out and you can hurt yourself.
- Get a partner. We are less likely to let someone else down then ourselves. Get a partner for accountability and someone who will be good at pushing you.
- Set short term goals. You won't see a six pack after the first 25 sit ups. You won't run a marathon after the first week. Set short term goals and build from there. Celebrate your successes! You got this!
- Personalize Your Workout. If you hate the gym, don't do the gym. There are a ton of great home workouts on You Tube and through other apps. If you like working out with others, find some fun classes!