Eating dessert is good for you! There is actually a study that backs this up! CNET recently posted an article referencing research that finds dessert can be healthy for us, in moderation. We've long heard the statistics about dark chocolate. Dark chocolate eaten three times per week can lower the risk for heart disease and can lower our blood pressure.
Ok, dark chocolate is not the most glamourous of desserts. How about cake or something else higher in carbohydrates. Foods rich in carbohydrates actually produce seratonin, which boosts mood. No, we shouldn't be eating cake with every meal, but in moderation, it can keep us happy!
And then there's this! They have done extensive research on people who choose dessert before the meal. If you know you are going to have something delicious for dessert, studies show you will consume an average of 250 calories less during dinner!
So what we're saying is.... eat that dessert, you'll be happier and potentially healthier!